Audience Segmentation For Beginners

With the COVID-19 lockdowns across the globe, you may have realized by now that your current and future Consumers scattered across time, geography, and a plethora of digital platforms.

A thorough grasp of your audiences and how they spend their time is one of the best strategies to give a boost to your online store.

This entails knowing which channels, messaging, and approaches will yield the best results.

This article will help you to define audience segmentation, learn the types of segmentation and improve your audience segmentation skills to get the most out of your online store.

Audience segmentation defined

Segmentation is the process of grouping clients together based on observable qualities.

These are frequently demographic characteristics like age, location, sexual orientation, and favorite brand.

What are the benefits of segmentation?

Because audience segmentation makes your marketing efforts more targeted, it enables you to:


  • Define your target demographics.
  • Customize your message to speak directly to them.
  • Meet a specific demand in order to increase conversion rates.
  • Make a connection with your customers and earn their trust.
  • To shorten your sales cycle, bring in leads.


Customers are more inclined to listen to what you have to say if they feel that the message was written particularly for them.

This type of personalization is made feasible by segmentation.

The approach you use to segmenting your audience is determined on the product or service you’re offering.
